GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:YZH
It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value.(*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.)
本题中给出了三个主体(Artist、critic、society)这三个主体彼此之间是独立的,而在讨论形成lasting value的时候三个主体之间就建立起了联系。对于本题,最常见入手的点是“artist通过critic对society产生的作用”和“critic通过artist对society产生的作用”,同时也可尝试去描述“artist和society的相互作用”、“critic和society的相互作用”。即,文章的落脚点始终都应当定位在society获得了什么样的作用,从而产生了什么样的结果,也就是something of lasting value。而且在说两个主体(artist和critic)谁才是真正给了something of lasting value的时候,通过对比要比单独阐述某一方的价值更能展现题目的关注点。题目审题的关键还有在于如何定位something of lasting value,在有限的篇幅中如果想将文章写得清清楚楚明明白白,就尽量要落到实处,而不是去论述一个很空很虚幻的概念。Society是一个很复杂的集合,而什么value会被society认可,什么value又具有lasting的意义,这些在习作是经常被忽略的。
1. 请举例说出你印象里的经典艺术作品。这些艺术作品给你带来了什么样的感受和启迪?是否存在价值?如果有,是哪些价值?这些价值在社会大众的眼中是怎样的?
2. 评论家去评价艺术作品的目的是什么?其评论结果对于社会有什么用处?请举例描述你印象里的某位评论家对某艺术作品的评价,这个评价对你产生了什么影响,是否给你带来了价值,哪些价值?
3. 艺术家可以给社会什么?艺术家为评论家提供了什么?请结合具体事例简述。
4. 评论家可以给社会什么?评论家为艺术家又做了什么?请结合具体事例简述。
5. 如果没有了艺术家,社会将会失去什么?如果没有了评论家,社会会变的怎样?
6. 什么事物具有社会所珍惜的价值?什么样的价值会是持久的?请举例并简述。
The author emphasised the value of the artists rather than the critics. However, I concede that the author's opinion is too extreme. Both the artists and critics contribute considerably to the provide of something of lasting value.
To start with, no one can deny the value of the artists who create the art works. They bring the beauty of the world to us and inform us common people to experience the beauty. We would not possibly see such fabulous scenes in our real life such as it is in the painting Impression, soleil by Claude Monet. The artists also inspire the imagination of us, as James Cameron did in his blockbuster movie the Avatar. Classic and great art works are always attached with highly social values. Guernica by Pablo Picasso for example, it was created during the Espainish Civil war. The work shows the tragedy of the war and the suffering of innocent civilians. Such care of lives of common people made the work become a perpetual reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symble, and an embodiment symbol of the war.
Without the artists, the reality would lose its originality and the experience abstracted from realistic life. Image what the world will be without the paitings, music, sculpture and so many other arts, our life would fade and tarnish. What's more, we lose approaches to express our feelings and thinkings. If so, people would use some other extreme ways to show and express their feelings, which would render the roit of the society.
On the other hand, we can not overlook the great help made by critics. They are the bridges between unintelligible works and the common people. Critics, who can well understand the art works and the meanings expressed by the art work from the creater, use their easy words and expressions to explan the work of art to common people. Their jobs enable the artists to be accepted by the masses, to be known by the public and to make money from their art work. To some extent, artists, especially those who creat great works but hard to understand, can not live without critics. At the same time, critics also use their critical article to push the artists to improve themselves. Without critics, Picasso's highly abstracted work, such as the Guernica, can not be understanded and known by the common people and some of the connoisseurs. If so, the artical value of Picasso's many works can not be accepted by the people then and will be fogotten in the later days.
In my perspective, a successful and great work of art is the combination of the creat of the artist and the clear interpretation of critics. It is both of them that give the society something of lasting value. For that matter, the society should not only keep their eyes on how the artists create their works and overlook the help of critics.
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