GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:潘潘落雨了
Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
1. 请列举两个你认为成功的教育年轻人的事例,并分析事例中如何指导年轻人去建立目标的,并分析建立了什么样的目标。
回答: 卧薪尝胆。The king of a small country in Warring States period, Gou Jian, was beaten by another country, and himself was also be put into the prison. He decided to revenge, but everything had to start from zero. He kept silent for a long time, living on bundles of firewood everyday, eating the most plain food. To remind himself that he still have to revenge, he hanged a gallblader over his bad, and taste it every day to stimulate himself. He practiced everyday and exert to know more brave and smart warriors. Finally, he accumulated enough energy and then conquered his enemy finally. 教育年轻人要有一个长远的目标,然后一步一步地开始实现它。 Another common example is that, BG quit from HU, and established his own company. When he made that decision, he decided to follow his long-term goals, not his immediate fame and recognition.
2. 对“长远并现实的目标”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: Positive impacts: 有生活的方向,知道自己的每一步应该怎么走下去,比起只有短期目标的人来说,较不容易迷茫。 Negative impacts: 给人不现实之感,不想眼前的名望和声誉一样很能激励人,鞭策力不强
3. 对“眼前的声望名誉”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: 正面影响:给年轻人带来名望与财富 Negative impact: lost a long-run goal, and want a quick success. Use all the resources that they have now, then they cannot use more thing. For example, a singer who was young and had much fame. However, she only wanted to have a quick fame and a quick success. So she gave up going to her school continually. Then with the age growing, her singing was not that outstanding like when she was a small child.
4. “长远并现实的目标”和“眼前的声望名誉”之间存在哪些关系?请举例并简述。
回答: 有时候两者并存:一个人想要资助贫困的小学,但是它必须先获得名誉声望和资金 有时候两者矛盾:眼前的声望往往会使一个人忘记内心的声音。
5. 在哪些环境下“长远并现实的目标”更有利于年轻人的发展,在哪些环境下“眼前的声望名誉”又更有意义?请举例并简述。
回答: 当年轻人已经知道自己想要什么的时候,他们可以设立长远目标;当年轻人已经有一定的资本能够支撑起长远目标时。 然而,如果年轻人仍然对未来没有确定的打算,并且处于事业的起步阶段,追求眼前的名望声誉可以让他们发现自己的擅长领域。且一定的资本积累可能更有利于他们开始设立长远目标。 也看到有人说,可以按照不同职业类型划分:学术这种一辈子的事情就是和设立长远目标;而像运动员,模特这种周期短的职业就适合追求眼前的名望和声誉
I've been educated that it is important to set a long term goal for myself. In the theory of my parents, the higher long term goal I set, as long as I strive to achieve it, the further I can go. I find what they said is easy to believe but hard to execute.
So, it is necessary to set a long term goal, and it would be better to have some immediate fame and recognition to courage ourself. However, for some people who are strong-minded enough and idealist enough, they can bear a success after long time.
 Long term goal can give you a certain direction of your life. You don't need to rethink which way should go after achieving a short term goal. It is effective to set a long term goal so that you can make a systematic plan for it.
No one can forget the scene in movie the Shawshank Redemption in which Andy finally escape from, standing in the rain and embracing the freedom. He was been wronged and was put into the jail. He had a plan at the very beginning, before he was been institutionalized. His plan including cottoning up to the jail warden and digging a hole behind a poster on the wall... He made it finally.
A long term goal can make young people keep clear-headed. For impulsive young people, they are intended to be bewitched by fame and recognition. A long term goal can remind them what are they really want.
Bill Gates quit from Harvard university. For a freshman, it must be a proud to be a graduate of Harvard, and they are all regarded as having a bright future-in a word, a kind of fame and recognition that no one would like to give up. However, the goal of establishing his own computer company made him found it was kind of wasteful to study in university, he can make his time more productivity. His big aim keep him know himself better and lead him a correct direction.
But I have to say that, firstly, it is difficult for young people to self-control. Sometimes, a long term goal seems too far away to be a strong engine for them to achieve it. A long period could be a good excuse for us to be relax. There is a funny phenomenon among college students-in some courses, they never study hard during the semester, however, as the final exam approaching, their productivity of studying would be increased insanely. Compared to the situation above, in the class that teacher have several small assignments of which scores would be included in the final grade, students have to study all the time, and I believe it is better than only study at the end of the semester.Secondly, for young people who don't have enough accumulation, it is not wise to set a long term goal. If one person doesn't know what s/he should do, s/he'd better achieve some short time goal first and decide which occupation is his/her favorite. If one doesn't have enough money to achieve his/her long term goal, he'd better start with several short term goal for fame and recognition.
In a word, a long term goal is necessary once you know what you should do and how you would do. To make it easier to achieve, you'd better set several short term goals to motivate yourself more efficiently.
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