GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:乔 淼
Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE185"Scandals -- whether in politics, academia, or other areas -- can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could"。题目讨论丑闻的作用,题目认为丑闻具有可以将人们的注意力集中在关键问题的正面作用,同时还将丑闻和演讲家、改革家做了对比。在分析的过程中,可以从丑闻对人们注意力的影响,人们关注丑闻之后注意力集中在什么问题上、在集中公众注意力的过程中演讲家和改革家的做法与丑闻的差异、丑闻在不同情况下对有着不同需要的人们的影响利弊等方面展开思考。需要注意: 1、丑闻不仅限于政治、学术,其他领域例如体育、文艺同样可以考虑; 2、在论述的过程中虽然可以给出其他方式,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(丑闻集中大家的注意力于某问题上)而岔开话题自说自话; 3、题目中存在一个对比关系——丑闻和演讲家、改革家的对比,在论述的过程中不要忽视后者,同时注意不应孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举几个丑闻,并简述它们是怎样吸引人们的注意力,以及人们对丑闻引发的问题是如何对待或处理的?
回答: NBA快船队老板斯特林和女朋友的电话录音中有一部分涉及种族主义的言论被曝光之后,引发了从球员到球迷再到一般公众的普遍关注。大家都在谈论此事,并纷纷声讨斯特林的种族主义倾向。直到最后NBA官方表态要求斯特林离开管理岗位,并动议迫使他出售球队。 丑闻一旦曝光,会引发公众的爆发式关注和普遍愤怒,当事人通常也会用比较激烈的方式来做出处理。这种处理的首要目的是减少负面影响、平息公众愤怒、安抚受害者的情绪。
2. 在吸引人们注意的时候,演讲与制造或曝光丑闻两种做法之间有什么差别?同演讲相比,丑闻更吸引人们注意力的原因是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 1 丑闻比演讲可能给出的证据更加直观、更加鲜活、更加具体。 2 丑闻因为是隐秘一面的曝光,更能激发人们的好奇心。 3 演讲的受众范围可能有限,但丑闻一般都会在大众传媒上迅速病毒式扩散,速度快得多。 比如反腐的问题。一个具体的贪腐案,比如刘志军案的曝光,远比官员或学者的演讲/提案引起了公众更大的注意和讨论。
3. 请举例并分析,是否有演讲者或者改革家曾经试图提出某些问题但是没能引起公众的注意,而这些问题因为某丑闻的出现而被人们关注。
回答: 在铁道部建国以来的12任部长中,刘志军主政8年来成就最大,改革的力度也最大。所以即使有人曾经提出过他贪污腐败的问题,也很难引起公众的普遍关注。 又或者,种族主义问题在美国一直很敏感,在体育界尤其如此。演讲者和改革者通常不会专门拿体育界举例或者开刀。斯特林事件则极大地把人们的注意力专门引导到了这个领域。
4. 丑闻在将人们的注意力吸引到某问题的同时,对人们看待问题以及问题本身会产生哪些直接或间接的负作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 谈论丑闻的人可能更多地是出于好奇心(甚至窥淫voyeur欲望)的满足,而不是对问题本身的关注。他们的批判也可能更多地是发泄情绪,而非对问题本身的分析和建议。 而且丑闻本身的过度传播和过度消费,本身可能掩盖掉它所揭示出的问题。比如刘志军贪腐案曝光以后,有些人的关注点很快转移到了刘志军的私生活不检点等问题上,而不再关心问题的核心和实质:贪污腐败。
Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.[Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]

To some extent, I agree with the author, that scandals could be used to draw people's attention, making them notice some problem in ways that speaking or reform purposal can't do. 
As we all know, the public is sometimes lack necessary background knowledge to fully understand a issue. And since the speakers and reformers usually work formerly, to understand what they're talking about needs these very knowledge. Therefore, under such circumstances, a scandal may render people to notice the problem, because it is more sensational than a formal speaking or purposal. For example, American public cannot be so empathetic to those Iraqi POWs (prisoner of war) because of the gap between the direct environment and religious belief of them and that of the POWs, and their lack of information, though the abuse to these POW had last for a long while. However, after this scandal was exposed by mass media, the public become very concerning about it in a short time, and finally their concern contributed to the resolve of the problem, and the amelioration of POWs' condition. It is hard to imagine that such problem get resolved due to a speaker or a reformer because less will pay attention to that on such an issue they don't understand. That means, scandal may be useful because it is usually enough lurid.
Even for some problems more close to our daily life, scandal are sometimes helpful for resolving them, since its explosive effect "forces" public to care about the problems: in such context, the unjust can no longer be ignored or evaded. For example, the racial discrimination in professional sport leagues has been for long a problem, but the public have not pay such a high attention on it until the boss of Los Angels Clippers has been reported responsible for some extreme racialism statements. This scandal soon became an big earthquake: nearly every players, employers and managers condemned Mr. Sterling for his inappropriate attitude, and the NBA finally deprived his ownership of the club and forced him to sell it to a new owner, in order to appease players and the public. I don't think there isn't any speaker or reformers who ever mentioned this problem. But it is so surface only with the help of scandal. That means, scandal may be useful because its considerable impact.
And the opponents may argue that scandals have side effects. For example, public may pay more attention to the scandal itself rather than the more serious problem. Or the public, and even media, may exploit the scandal to make fun or profit, rather than do good for those need help. These side effects do happen sometimes. But I think this is another question. At least, a scandal elicits our attention and curiosity. No matter how much of them will be paid on problems, it makes us careful; and for some problems it is difficult for public to be so concerning with only speakers or reformers. Thus I don't want to deny the usefulness of scandals, yet I admit that we should do something to "make better use" of scandals to resolve problems and make changes. That's why I somewhat agree with the author's statement.
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